age of consent
- n.同意年龄,承诺年龄(可发生性关系的法定年龄)

A bill was passed lowering the legal age of consent .
Sexual intercourse with a girl who has not reached the age of consent .
In many countries , this would not be a crime , as the age of consent is14 .
As recently as the mid-1880s , the median legal age of consent in US states was10 .
A further 7,400 girls aged 15 or under - and therefore under the age of consent - received the contraception at family planning clinics .
He came in for particular criticism for his association with an American businessman convicted of sex offences against a girl under the age of consent .
Each state has different age of consent laws , which puts you at risk of committing a felony if you become seriously involved with someone who is underage .
If the girl you want to ask out looks like she could be under the age of consent in your state , you should ask how old she is to protect yourself legally .
Your legal future may not solely be tied up in whether or not the girl you are interested in is above the age of consent . It also may depend on what kind of criminal history she has .
Jenny : Ah , well , that 's more my color - Chuck : I 'd say we take the jet to Croatia where young Eric here can exploit the lesser age of consent . -
Rather than get into a legal mess that could alter your future in devastating ways , you should make it a point to make sure that the girl you want to date is truly above that age of consent mark in your state .
Examples include : social and legal reforms regarding the minimum age of marriage and sexual consent ;